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My Services

A Private Healing Session

From energy clearing, chakra balance and alignment, to working through more serious issues such as addiction, trauma, or illness, these multidimensional sessions will assist you in your health and well-being.


I work with a team of guides and masters and hold a safe space for transmutation to occur, utilizing and combining a variety of healing modalities to achieve the best and most benevolent outcome we can.


Sessions are custom tailored to each person's unique circumstances, specific needs, and intentions.​​

Lightbody Attunement

As we rise in consciousness and vibration, at some point we reach a threshold of limitation. Lightbody Attunement assists to release the energies, structures, and programming that creates separation. It will help you to align, connect to and embody more of your soul, and allow you to express your Higher Self Consciousness more fully and completely. It is an essential process in the Ascension journey, and especially helpful for those are feeling lost, or stuck, as well as those ready for the next level of spiritual growth.

Advanced processes include Karmic Matrix Reabsorption to clear and remove specific karmic patterns and energies, and Ze-Yod Alignment to reconnect the physical to higher dimensions.

Property Clearing

A comprehensive energetic cleansing and clearing of physical space, such as a home or business. Many advanced processes are implemented such as clearing of the land, balancing geopathic stresses, removal of entities and various other things, and aligning you to your property.

Soul Contract Birth Name Analysis

Personal: Empower yourself with a deeper understanding of who you are and what you’re meant for in this lifetime. A Soul Contract Reading of your birth name can reveal the hidden blueprint of your soul’s plan for your life. Get insight about life lessons, natural talents, and your soul's ultimate purpose.


Soul Contract Relationship Analysis: Get more clarity and understanding about your interpersonal relations. How do your soul contract energies interact with each other? Where do you connect and where may you possibly clash?

Name Optimization

When we change our name, the new name's energies will have an impact on our life. Whether it's due to getting married, or simply a feeling to that it's time for a change, these are promptings from our soul. Similarly, when a child is born, they receive a new name which sets the tone for their life.


A new name can accelerate our growth or create more challenges for us.


Optimizing the name gives us the information we need to make an enlightened choice of enhancing and supporting our soul purpose, clearing karma as quickly as possible. It also gives us the ability to mitigate challenging aspects that are magnetized to us from the frequencies of our name.

Private Tutoring

Learning in a group setting can have its drawbacks. Sometimes it's preferable to learn in a more private, one-on-one setting. I offer this possibility for those who are unable to attend the group events, have specific things they wish to learn that are currently unavailable, or would simply like to have a more personalized learning experience.

What People Say

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J. S., Hawaii

"I was caught in a ten year death spiral. Jenn changed something in me, and showed me a different way. Without her the happiest moments of my life and my greatest accomplishments would have been completely impossible."
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