EN = English
JP = Japanese
DEC 21, 2019 11:00-13:00 EST
Marietta, GA &
Online via Zoom
DEC 26, 2019 19:00-21:00 EST
Marietta, GA
DEC 28, 2019 14:00-17:30 EST
Marietta, GA &
Online via Zoom
JAN 04-5, 11-12, 2020 11:00-16:00 EST
Marietta, GA &
Online via Zoom
JAN 15, 2020 19:00-21:00 EST
Marietta, GA
JAN 17, 2020 18:30-22:00 EST
Marietta, GA &
Online via Zoom

Have you ever gone to a place and felt uncomfortable or the feeling that there are "negative vibes"? Have you ever experienced being energetically drained or fatigued being with a person or in crowded spaces?
Because everything in the Universe is energy, including ourselves, interactions with people and places can affect us quite strongly and sometimes very negatively.
Learn how to create and maintain powerful energetic boundaries so that you can differentiate yourself from the dimensional world around you. Feel more comfortable and safe wherever you go, as well as in your encounters with others, and have more inner peace within your being.

How do you feel about CASH? Are you aware that these thoughts and feelings can impact your life? In this immersion workshop we will begin to understand and shift energy in the mind, body and nervous system around CASH, and utilizing the power of Quickening Transmutation we will change these beliefs and clear the blockages to your Cash flow. We will affirm these shifts using words, movement and the support of Flower essence remedies.
In this class you will:
Look at how you currently handle money
Bring awareness to underlying beliefs around CASH
Expand your mental, physical and emotional capacity to allow and experience abundance of CASH
Change your beliefs with Quickening CASH Transmutation
Work with flower essences to support and anchor your work after the class

Within our universe there are many Dimensions; places and spaces beyond our physical 3rd dimension, where physical plane laws cease to exist. Receive the initiation to access and utilize the Basic Dimensions and discover your psychic abilities, as you learn how to see auras, past lives, and spirit guides.

Do you feel stuck? Are you doing things that don't make sense?
If your life is not the way you would like and you feel that maybe something is holding you back, it may possibly be a past life vow that is keeping you from your desires. Learn how to undo those past promises and regain your energy and freedom to live life as you choose today!

Core patterns are repeating thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that negatively affect you and keep or block you from living your life fully. What are the 12 Core Patterns? Where did they come from and how are they experienced in life? Which of these patterns are affecting your actions in an unfavorable way? When you know and understand your Core Patterns, you can start recognizing and clearing the blockages to a more fulfilling and empowering life.

As human beings we are driven to seek loving, intimate relationships as a natural part of our wellbeing. Many people go through life hoping to accidentally bump into someone who would be a perfect match only to be disappointed in the results. What if you can magnetize yourself and draw to you the mate you deeply desire? Would you like to learn fundamentals of manifestation in order to consciously attract the mate and relationship you have been hoping for?
In this workshop you will...
• Gain clarity about what you desire.
• Learn fundamental tools of manifestation.
• Consciously create and attract the mate and relationship you desire.
• Energetically connect to your mate.
• Clear and make space for your mate.
• Receive Initiations, Activations, Downloads, and Angelic Templates.

A powerful healing modality that quickly and easily empowers you to clear destructive concepts. We will process and transform limiting beliefs and replace them with ones that serve your Highest Good. Improve your life by transforming your reality!
Worthiness - Do you question your value? Feel you are not good enough? Undeserving? Process and heal those aspects of yourself so that you may embrace your true worth.
Success - Are you wishing for more success in your life? This Quickening focuses on the issues that prevent us from fully embracing success and its various components.

Have you experienced deep hurt, anger, or betrayal? Do you still think about or have negative feelings from long ago conflict or trauma? Holding on to old resentments and hurts keep you stuck in the past and is harmful to your health. Forgiveness will allow you to regain your power and live your life fully. Learn a powerful process and experience freedom as you heal, let go of of the past, and reclaim your life.

As human beings we are driven to seek loving, intimate relationships as a natural part of our wellbeing. Many people go through life hoping to accidentally bump into someone who would be a perfect match only to be disappointed in the results. What if you can magnetize yourself and draw to you the mate you deeply desire? Would you like to learn fundamentals of manifestation in order to consciously attract the mate and relationship you have been hoping for?

Dimensional Mastery, a 30 day in-depth seminar of the Mayan Curanderos Traditions, by Starr Fuentes with Carolin Cordes, Jen Chung, and Inge Koegl in Germany.
As the planet continues to raise in vibrational frequency, the time has come for the human race to let go of old world paradigms and limitations, and shed the misbelief of impossibility. Receive the initiations and sacred teachings on the 144 Dimensions, the places and spaces where, as wisdom keepers of old knew, physical plane laws cease to exist. In this 30 day intensive course of self mastery, discover new facets of who you really are, transform what no longer serves you, break your limits, expand your possibilities, and embrace an advanced state of being.